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CrossFit Level 1

About Coach

I have always had a passion for sports and fitness. I was a three-sport athlete in high school – football, basketball, and tennis – and played collegiate tennis at Hamline University, where I earned a Communications degree with a minor in Athletic Coaching. Following college, I got married, started a family, and began a career in marketing and communications within higher education. Early in my career, I was able to coach basketball and tennis at the high school level for several years, which I loved; however, a job change and two active kids made it impossible to continue coaching – but I always hoped to find a way back to it someday. I started my CrossFit journey when I was 41 years old in 2017. My son had left for college and my daughter was a busy high schooler. I spent a lot of time on the couch, which led me to feel not so great physically and mentally. My wife suggested I try the new CrossFit gym – and that suggestion changed my life. I rediscovered my passion for fitness, and the amazing community at Thousand Lakes Fitness became my social outlet. As I progressed in proficiency in CrossFit skills and movements and competed in some competitions, I became more and more interested in learning about the entire CrossFit methodology. I also saw an opportunity to use this knowledge to coach again. I earned my CrossFit Level 1 Trainer certificate and now I am excited to be a part of the Thousand Lakes Fitness coaching staff to help others discover the tremendous impact that functional fitness can have on their lives.

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion

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