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Mat Larson

Owner/Coach/Nutrition Coach


CrossFit Level 1 certification

ISSA Certified Nutritionist

Working Against Gravity Certification

About Coach

Growing up, sports were my second nature. From playing football and baseball throughout High School to showcasing my athletic prowess at Winona State University, I immersed myself in the world of competitive sports. My passion for the field led me to explore rugby during my final two years at college, an experience I deeply cherish. Upon graduation, I took a detour into the realm of beer sales. Admittedly, my love for beer, wings, and burgers swiftly added an extra 30lbs to my frame. It was during this phase that CrossFit entered my life, introduced by a friend. The allure was immediate. The community, brimming with individuals who shared my ambitions, provided the accountability I needed. Their energy, combined with the efficiency of CrossFit routines fitting seamlessly into my packed schedule, rekindled my competitive spirit. This rebirth of determination paved the way for my association with Metropolis Rugby, a D1 Men's Rugby team, allowing me to compete against some of the country's best. With CrossFit by my side, I felt an unprecedented surge in my speed and power, outmatching even my 21-year-old athletic self. In this transformative journey, I became a certified nutrition coach, a decision that dramatically elevated my fitness trajectory. Drawing from the principles of nutrition and CrossFit, I ventured into Western hunting. This adventure demands immense physical endurance, be it hiking 100 miles of mountains in a week or tackling unforeseen challenges. Thanks to my rigorous training, I'm prepared for any task. My intrinsic competitive nature initially attracted me to CrossFit, but it's the ability to surmount any obstacle that fuels my daily commitment. Being part of this empowering community has irrevocably changed my life for the better, and I wouldn't have it any other way!

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion

Member Services

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