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CrossFit Level 3 Trainer

About Coach

Growing up in the Forest Lake community, sports have always been a huge part of my life. I played football, basketball and baseball until focusing on baseball during high school and college. After graduation, I was hired on by Velocity Sports Performance to train athletes from middle school to the college level. It was an amazing opportunity to program for, and work with some very high-level athletes. That is also when I was introduced to CrossFit. A football coach pointed out that we were using a lot of the same movements, and convinced me to give it a try. I was hooked after that first class! Since starting in 2014, I have competed in a bunch of local competitions including the Dakota Games and Granite Games, as well as a few Olympic weightlifting meets. I have always had a passion for coaching and trying to pass on what I have learned. I am extremely excited to be a part of the TLF community and can’t wait to help our members reach their fitness goals!

Turning Point

Motivation & Passion

Member Services

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